
Maryland Parkway Corridor Transit Oriented Development Plan

Maryland Parkway Corridor Transit Oriented Development Plan

The Maryland Parkway Corridor Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Plan was completed and accepted by the Board of County Commissioners in August 2021.  The Plan is intended to complement the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) line planned for the Maryland Parkway Corridor.  TOD is a type of development located close to high quality, high capacity transit, that creates a compact, walkable, mixed-use, and dense environment. TOD areas contribute to livable communities and serve as activity centers that provide a range of benefits to the region, local community, and individual households.


The Plan consists of the following components:
Existing Conditions and Needs Assessment includes an inventory of all existing and planned transportation components, land uses, infrastructure, and economic development opportunities along the corridor to identify locations with high potential for development and placemaking. 
Market Readiness Analysis develops a custom, market based, TOD/Economic Development Matrix where focus (station) areas are analyzed to determine which areas have the most potential for development success.  
Workforce Housing Plan focuses on finding opportunities for TOD along Maryland Parkway to provide equitable access to affordable and attainable housing.  
Value Capture Toolkit develops strategies for cost recovery from the value that TOD and transit helps create and identifies current and potential funding and incentive mechanisms.  
Priority Focus (Station) Area TOD Plans includes recommendations, priority projects, and implementation strategies for the 4 priority focus areas within the County: University Road, Flamingo Road, Desert Inn Road, and Sahara Avenue.  

The Plan can be found at the following links:

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