
CCOCME Programs

CCOCME Programs

CCOCME Programs

The Clark County Office of the Coroner/Medical Examiner provides important programs which are designed to educate attendees or the consequences of their actions in regards to traffic safety and driving while under the influence. 

The Coroner's Visitation Program is designed for those between the ages of 14-22 who have received a citation regarding a traffic violation or other reckless offense. The majority of the attendees are court ordered but a parent may also enroll their child as a proactive approach to teaching them the dangers involved in reckless driving and the consequences of their actions and decisions made while driving.

The Coroner's DUI Program is designed for those who have been arrested for driving while under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, prescription medications, illegal drugs and/or reckless driving. To help them understand that their choices and actions not only affect themselves but also their family, friends and others in the community.
If you need to sign up for a DUI Program class, you will need to respond to the Court Education Office at the Regional Justice Center, located at 200 Lewis Avenue, Las Vegas NV 89101. The Court Education Office is on the 4th floor, window #3. The Court Education Office will advise on class availability. 

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