
About Us

About Us


The Justice Court of Laughlin Township is one of seven Outlying Justice Courts of Clark County.

The Justice Courts are established by the NRS 4.020 and it states "There must be one justice court in each of the townships of the State, for which there must be elected by the qualified electors of the township at least one justice of the peace."

Mission Statement

Outlying Justice Courts foster common law to serve as the people's courts. We are in pursuit of improvements to the service of justice that we provide for our communities. Taking into consideration the changing landscape of the Outlying Courts; we are committed to dispense justice, resolve disputes and preside over the courts' functions with ethical treatment of our constituents.

Justice of the Peace

Judge Tim Atkins was elected to office
in November of 2006. He was born in
Peoria Illinois in August of 1951. He
graduated from Chillicothe High School
in 1970. He went in to the US Army in
1971. After honorable discharge from the
armed services, he attended Illinois
Valley College, where he majored in
electronics. He worked in the telephone
and cable TV industry until 2006 when
he retired from his profession so he would
be free to serve as the Justice of the
Peace in Laughlin Nevada.

Outlying Justice Court Administration
330 S. Third St. #1020B
Las Vegas, NV 89155
Court Administrator: Karen Powell 

A Note From Judge Tim Atkins

"As your Justice of the Peace I will bring Courage, Honor and Integrity to protect the rights and dignity of all citizens. In partnership with our Community & Law Enforcement agencies, I strive to preserve the peace and to provide for a safe environment for all."

Administrative Office of the Courts - Visit Website

The AOC, our governing agency, provides continuity and improvement in the state courts through:

Continuously examining the processes and effectiveness of the Judicial Branch.
Providing leadership in ensuring access to timely and cost effective justice in the State Courts.
Implementing policy goals set forth by the Supreme Court and aiding the Court in fulfilling its role as the leader of an independent and co-equal branch of government.

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