
Celebrating Poetry in Clark County

Celebrating Poetry in Clark County

Celebrating Poetry in Clark County 

July 6 — August 19, 2022 

Reading and writing poetry improve our understanding of the self as well as the world in which we live. Poetry enhances empathy and develops creativity including critical thinking and problem-solving skills, important to effective citizenship. For children, teenagers, and adults alike, poetry improves communication, including public-speaking skills, and it offers a compassionate platform for public discourse on topics such as historical remembrances, community grief, personal interactions and relationships, and human impacts upon our planet from our own backyards and expanding outward on a global scale. 

The Poet Laureate Program expands the traditional range of offerings normally found in a Parks and Recreation setting and Clark County’s administration of the program has allowed for the development and implementation of year-round poetry programming that is free and open to the public. 

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