
Potential For Widespread Flash Flooding Due To Hurricane Hilary

Potential For Widespread Flash Flooding Due To Hurricane Hilary

Clark County officials are advising the public that widespread flooding conditions may occur Saturday through Monday due to heavy rainfall from the impact of Hurricane Hilary in our region.

The Las Vegas office of the National Weather Service has issued a warning that multiple rounds of heavy rain over the weekend will make for hazardous conditions across Southern Nevada. For the most current weather information visit the agency’s website at

Flooding of normally dry washes and low water crossings can pose life-threatening hazards.

“It’s important that our residents and visitors are aware of the serious dangers posed by flash-flooding as a result of the storm surge that is expected to occur this weekend in our region,” said Clark County Commission Chairman Jim Gibson. “We advise the public to please take heed of the warnings to not to drive through flooded roads or around barricades and to stay home from recreational areas like Red Rock, Lake Mead and Mount Charleston where roads and trails could wash out with little notice.”

Important flood safety tips include:

  • Don’t allow children or pets to play in or near floodwaters, which are fast moving and can contain dangerous debris and chemicals.
  • Never drive through a flooded road or around barricades. It can be difficult to determine how deep floodwaters are and floodwaters can rise dramatically in minutes.
  • If you are caught in a sudden storm that may cause flooding it is usually safer for you to stay where you are and wait out the storm rather than trying to drive through it.
  • If you are driving when the storm hits, think about finding some ground higher than the street to pull onto until the storm passes.
  • If you get stuck in a stalled car, it may be safer to stay with your vehicle. Fast moving water, even only a few inches deep can quickly sweep you off your feet.

Emergency managers also recommend these key steps for emergency preparedness:

  • Make a plan.  Talk to your family about how you will communicate before, during, and after a disaster, and how you will connect if separated. Choose a primary and secondary meeting place in case an emergency affects your home or neighborhood and designate an out-of-state contact for family members to call if separated. Teach youth to prepare for emergencies. Businesses, community organizations and families should participate in safety drills and exercises.
  • Build a kit.  Gather supplies that will last for several days after a disaster for everyone living in your household including food and water.  Consider the unique needs each person or pet may have in case you have to evacuate quickly.  Include provisions for infants and medically fragile family members. You also should prepare an emergency kit for your car.
  • Be informed.   Know the risk of dangers in your area and check your insurance coverage. Learn how to make your home stronger in the face of storms and other common hazards and act fast if you receive a local warning or alert. Have multiple ways to receive alerts in an emergency including staying tuned to local TV or radio stations for alerts, instructions, and official notifications. Follow Clark County on social media @ClarkCountyNV.  The public also can sign up to receive free public safety alerts via text or email through a community notification system called CodeRED at  The Southern Nevada Community Preparedness App at offers free weather alerts, safety tips and resources to help families create personalized emergency preparedness plans and disaster supply kits.   Both tools have apps available from the Apple Store or Google Play. More details are on the Fire Department’s Office of Emergency Management website pages at

These additional emergency preparedness resources also may be helpful:

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