
Westlaw Remote Access

Westlaw Remote Access

Introducing Westlaw Patron Remote for Pro Se/Non-Attorneys

Westlaw Patron Remote for Pro Se/Non-Attorneys provides remote access to Westlaw Patron Access through the Clark County Law Library. Our subscription allows for up to two Pro Se users to simultaneously access Westlaw resources outside the walls of the library. The purpose of Westlaw Patron Remote for Pro Se/Non-Attorneys is to further the library’s vision of Access to Justice through this special access for self-represented litigants, non-attorneys, or attorneys who are not working on behalf of a client. Any other use is not allowed.


To get started, click here to complete a registration process.

Westlaw Remote Access

Click here for a guide about how to create your OnePass account and setup two-factor authentication.

Westlaw Patron Access eLearning Materials

With Westlaw Patron Access, patrons are provided with access to the same tools and resources the courts and our nation’s law firms rely on every day. This includes access to a very comprehensive range of materials including forms, statutes, cases, and treatises.

Thomson Reuters is committed to a patron’s successful use of this important legal tool and has invested in the creation of a collection of eLearning materials.

  • The Westlaw Patron Access eLearning landing page can be found HERE
    • A Legal Topic Guide is included for the top 5 practice areas of patron users and links to FindLaw’s “Learn about the law” articles. This is a great place for patrons to begin their research
    • When patrons are ready to dive in a little more there are 17 short videos and quick reference guides for Westlaw and Practical Law

All resources are written for individuals without a legal background and give additional context and meaning to legal applications.

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